Spiced Pot Roast
1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper
4 garlic cloves crushed
1/2 tsp. cumin
4 tsp. French mustard
3/4 tsp. turmeric
1 1/4 tsp. ginger
1 tsp. rosemary
1 tsp. lemon pulp
1 1/2 Tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. salt
3 Tbsp. poppy seeds
1/2 C. vinegar
2 pounds beef roast
3 bay leaves
2 cloves
2 onions chopped
1/3 C. tomato puree
Cooking Instructions
Place the crushed red pepper, garlic, cumin, mustard, turmeric, ginger, rosemary, lemon pulp, sugar, salt, poppy seeds and vinegar in a blender. Then, blend for about 30 seconds. Put 2 pound beef roast in large bowl and pour blended herbs and spices over meat, let marinate for 6 hours. Heat oil in skillet, add cloves and bay leaves and fry them for 4 minutes, add onions and fry until they are soft. Turn off heat and let oil become lukewarm. Add meat and simmer for about an hour. Then, pour on tomato puree and increase heat, cook until meat is tender. Let cook for about 8 hours on low.
My tears have been my food day and night, While they say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” (Psalms 42:3)