Low Calorie Cooked Dressing
1/4 C. instant nonfat dry milk
1-1/4 tsp. dry mustard
1 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. freshly ground pepper
1 Tbsp. all purpose flour
1 medium egg
1 C. water
2 Tbsp. margarine
sugar substitute equivalent to 6 tsp. sugar
Cooking Instructions
Combine dry ingredients in top of double boiler. Beat egg slightly and combine with water and vinegar. Add to dry ingredients slowly, stirring to blend well. Cook over simmering water, stirring constantly, until thick and smooth. Remove from heat. Add margarine and sweetener; blend well. Turn into a pint jar; cover. Store in refrigerator.
My tears have been my food day and night, While they say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” (Psalms 42:3)