Cranberry Orange Relish
1-1/2 C. cranberries
1 small unpeeled orange, seeded, chopped
1 medium unpeeled apple, cored, chopped
1/3 C. water
1/4 C. granulated sugar
1/4 tsp. ground ginger
1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
Cooking Instructions
In food processor or blender container, process cranberries, orange and apple until finely chopped. Place in shallow microwave safe casserole. Stir in water, sugar, ginger and nutmeg. Microwave on high for 3 to 4 minutes stir. Microwave on medium 50 percent power for 2 to 3 minutes. Cool slightly. Cover and refrigerate.
My tears have been my food day and night, While they say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” (Psalms 42:3)