Butter Bean Pate With Melba Toast
1 tsp. olive oil
1 shallot
1 garlic clove
400 gram butter beans
4 Tbsp. sour cream
2 Tbsp. parsley
4 slice thin white bread
Cooking Instructions
Preparation: Finely chop the shallot, garlic clove and parsley. Drain the butter beans. Heat the oil in a pan and gently cook the shallot and garlic for 5 minutes until softened. Transfer to a large bowl. Add the butter beans and mash together until roughly pureed. Stir in the soured cream, parsley and seasoning. Cover and chill until ready to serve. Meanwhile, place the slices of bread under a medium grill and toast gently on both sides until light golden. Cut off the crusts and, using a long, sharp knife, split the bread in half, through the center. Place the bread, untoasted side up, under a low grill until the toast curls into a crisp, golden shell. Serve warm or cold with the butter bean pate.
My tears have been my food day and night, While they say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” (Psalms 42:3)