3 1/2 oz (100g) cottage cheese,well
1 out,Pressed
4 T milk
4 T oil
2 T heaping of sugar
1 pinch salt
7 oz (200g) flour
4 t baking powder
1 3/4 oz to 2 1/2 (50-75g)butter
3 1/2 oz (100g) sugar
1 packet Vanillin sugar **
1 T milk
3 1/2 oz (100g) almonds blanched and thinly Sliced
**Vanilla sugar is made of sugar and vanilla beans or sugar mixed with vanilla extract
Cooking Instructions
For the Pastry:
Rub the cottage cheese, if desired, through a fine sieve and mix with the milk, oil, sugar and salt. Mix and sieve together the flour and the baking powder and add to the mixed ingredients, a little at a time until slightly more than half has been used. Knead in the rest of the flour. Grease a round cake tin with a removable rim, 10 in. (26cm) in diameter and roll out the pastry to fit the base.
For the Topping:
Melt together the butter, sugar and vanillin sugar and add the milk; stir in the almonds and set aside to cool. If it should be too firm when cold, add a little milk. Spread evenly over the pastry.
OVEN: moderately hot Baking time: about 20 minutes
Alternatively the cake may be filled with buttercream, made from 1/2
packet Oetker Pudding Powder, Vanilla Flavor, 2 well heaped tbs.
sugar, 1/2 pint cold milk and 3 1/2 oz. (100g) butter. When the cake
is quite cold, cut it horizontally into two halves, spread the
filling on the bottom half and lay the other on top.
My tears have been my food day and night, While they say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” (Psalms 42:3)