Sunday Breakfast For Two
2 Tbsp. olive or vegetable oil
1/2 bag frozen hash browns
1/2 sm. white or Bermuda onion, sliced or diced
2 oz. sliced cheese of your choice (we prefer Muenster)
2 filets mignons (size varies according to your appetite)
2 eggs
Cooking Instructions
Broil filets mignons. Meanwhile, heat oil in pan. Saute onions and potatoes, stirring constantly. When onions are slightly brown and potatoes are soft, melt cheese on top. While cheese is melting, fry the eggs any way you wish. Remove filets from broiler and place on serving plate. Cover each filet with potato, onion and cheese mixture. Top with eggs.
My tears have been my food day and night, While they say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” (Psalms 42:3)