Plain Omelet With Potato And Onion
2 lg eggs
1/2 t water
Black pepper
3 T onions-sauta©ed,Chopped
1 medium potato,diced
1 T clarified butter (or oil)
1 T oil
Cooking Instructions
Mix together all ingredients except the butter and oil. Put half of
the butter in half of the oil in a skillet heated to medium, brown onions
and potatoes cut in small dice. Cover for five minutes to help the potatoes cook, then uncover to make them crunchy. Add remaining butter and oil to another skillet heated to medium and add the egg mixture. Using a small spatula run around the edges of the skillet, tipping the skillet so the uncooked egg from the center of the pan can run under the bottom of the cooked egg. Continue to do this until the egg in the center is still just a little moist, sprinkle sauted onions and potatoes on the omelet, roll the omelet with three folds as you turn it onto the plate.
My tears have been my food day and night, While they say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” (Psalms 42:3)