Harvey Wallbanger Cake
1 packet orange cake mix
1 packet instant vanilla pudding mix
1/2 C. oil
4 eggs
2 ounces Galliano
2 ounces vodka
4 ounces orange juice
1 C. confectioners sugar
1 Tbsp. orange juice
2 Tbsp. Galliano
2 Tbsp. vodka
Cooking Instructions
Add ingredients as called for; blend in first addition of liquid on speed number 2 of electric mixer until dry ingredients are dampened, then turn dial to speed number 6 and beat for 5 minutes. Preheat fry pan to 280 degrees. Grease well. Add batter, cover and bake until top of cake is no longer moist for about 45 minutes. Open vent last for last 5 minutes of baking time. Drizzle frosting over cake. For baking cake in bundt pan: Preheat frying pan to 420 degrees. Grease Bundt pan generously with unsalted shortening. Use same ingredients as regular Harvey Wallbanger Cake and follow same preparation procedure. Pour batter into bundt pan. Place bundt pan on wire rack on bottom of fry pan. Bake for 45 minutes or until done. Open vent last 5 minutes of baking time.
My tears have been my food day and night, While they say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” (Psalms 42:3)