Ham With Cherry Sauce
canned ham
1 (10 ounce.) jar apple jelly
1 Tbsp. prepared mustard
1/3 C. pineapple juice
2 Tbsp. dry white wine
1 pound. 5 ounce. can cherry pie
1/2 C. raisins
Cooking Instructions
Bake ham per instructions on can. One half hour before done, remove ham from oven and score fat in diamond pattern. In saucepan mix jelly, mustard, juice and wine. Cook, stirring, to boiling and simmer 3 minutes. Pour 1/3 glaze over ham. Bake ham 30 minutes longer, spooning glaze over every 10 minutes. In saucepan, heat pie filling and raisins to boiling, stirring occasionally. Transfer ham to platter. Add remaining glaze to cherry sauce and bring to boil. Spoon sauce over ham and serve the rest on the side.
My tears have been my food day and night, While they say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” (Psalms 42:3)