Garlic Steaks Donato
4 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 C. grated Parmesan cheese
3 Tbsp. butter
1 Tbsp. marsala wine (we use any red wine we might have around)
1 Tbsp. brandy
1 tsp. tomato paste
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1 sirloin steak or 4 sirloin strips or filet mignons
Cooking Instructions
Combine all ingredients except steak in a food processor. Blend to a paste. Grill steaks over medium hot coals, almost to desired degree of doneness, turning once. Spread paste evenly over steak or steaks and return to grill, paste side up, until mixture begins to bubble, about 1-2 minutes longer.
My tears have been my food day and night, While they say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” (Psalms 42:3)