Eing’Saets Mus (Saebrei)
500 g flour (a generous lb)
1/2 l water (a pint)
1 salt,To Taste
3 T to 4 tb clarified butter for baking
2 T clarified butter for topping
1 onion,chopped
Cooking Instructions
In a skillet, melt the clarified butter, then add the flour. Gradually add enough water to obtain a viscous batter. Cook the batter in the skillet until the top is done. The bottom will form a crust, the so-called ‘Schuepet’. In a separate skillet, brown the onion in the remaining clarified butter. Pour the onion and fat over the ‘Saebrei’. This used to be served with a glass of milk.
Serves 4.
My tears have been my food day and night, While they say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” (Psalms 42:3)