Creole Style Meatloaf
1 pkg. “Cajun Country” meatloaf mix
1 lb. lean ground meat
1 lb. Owen’s pork sausage (reg. or hot)
1 egg
1 sm. can tomato sauce (8 oz.)
Cooking Instructions
Combine ingredients, knead until well mixed. Using a 3 quart Pyrex, or microwave casserole, invert a custard cup in center and arrange meatloaf mixture around casserole, forming a ring. On HIGH cook for 13 minutes. Top may be brushed with catsup, steak sauce, or barbecue sauce before baking. Leaving casserole uncovered makes a more uniform loaf and avoids cracking.
My tears have been my food day and night, While they say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” (Psalms 42:3)