Chicken And Dumplings
chicken pieces
salt and pepper
poultry seasoning
2 stalks of celery; halved but with the tops intact
carrot; cut in pieces
1 can cream of chicken soup
2 can biscuits
Cooking Instructions
Boil the chicken, celery, and carrot with enough water to cover (add salt and pepper and poultry seasoning to taste) and until it is ready to come off the bone. Remove chicken and set aside to cool. Remove and trash carrot and celery. Slowly stir soup into the broth (this will prevent lumps). Bring the mix to a rolling boil. Open the biscuits and flatten (with rolling pin, your hands, whatever). But them into pieces and drop into the boiling liquid. Lower heat to low. Cook for 10 minutes uncovered. Put the chicken back in and cover with a lid. Cook for 10 more minutes. Serve.
My tears have been my food day and night, While they say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” (Psalms 42:3)