Burger King’s Hershey Sundae Pie
Chocolate crust (store bought or Hershey crumb recipe)
layer 1:
8 Ounce cream cheese
3/4 c. powder sugar
8 Ounces cool whip
1 Teaspoon vanilla
layer 2:
1 lg. box chocolate pudding Please Note: Minus 1/2 c. milk
cool whip
chocolate curls
Cooking Instructions
Whip cheese till softened, add powdered sugar blend well, add remaining ingredients, blending well, place in crust
Layer 2:
Make pudding as directed minus 1/2 c. milk.
Add to pie. Top with more coolwhip and chocolate curls
My tears have been my food day and night, While they say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” (Psalms 42:3)