Bulgur And Lentil Pilaf
1 C. lentils
4 C. vegetable broth or water
1 each bay leaf
3 Tbsp. margarine
1 large onion, chopped
salt and pepper
1 C. coarsely ground bulgur
Cooking Instructions
Rinse the lentils and put in a pot with enough broth to cover. Add bay leaf, bring to a boil and keep covered. Turn off heat and let stand for 30 minutes. While the lentils are soaking, melt margarine in a heavy pot. Add chopped onion, salt and pepper. Sauté till onions are tender and transparent. When onions are ready, keep heat at medium, stir in bulgur and continue stirring till all the margarine is absorbed. Lower heat to a simmer and add the rest of the broth and lentils in their broth. Bring to a boil, reduce heat again, cover tightly and simmer till all the liquid has been absorbed. Add more liquid till the bulgur and lentils are cooked. Remove bay leaf and serve with a vegetable stew.
My tears have been my food day and night, While they say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” (Psalms 42:3)