Beef Stifado
2 1/2 pound Lean stewing beef
3 Tbsp. Butter
1 can (1 pound) small onions
1 Tbsp. Brown sugar
1/2 C. Dry white wine
1/2 C. Water
3 Tbsp. Tomato paste
1/4 C. Red wine vinegar
1 tsp. Mixed pickling spices
4 Whole cloves
3 Buds garlic, minced
Salt and pepper to taste
1 package (12 oz.) frozen tiny peas
Cooking Instructions
Cut meat in 1-inch chunks. Melt butter in large frying pan. Brown meat. Transfer to crock pot. Stir drained onions and brown sugar into frying pan. Cook over medium high heat, shaking pan, until glazed. Transfer to crock pot. Add wine, water, tomato paste and vinegar to frying pan. Stir to loosen drippings. Pour over meat and onions. Place pickling spices and cloves in a tea ball or cheesecloth bag. Add to pot. Season with garlic, salt and pepper. Cover. Cook on low 8 hours. Thaw peas. Add the last half hour of cooking. Cook down juices until slightly reduced.
My tears have been my food day and night, While they say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” (Psalms 42:3)