Barbecued Beef Round On French Bread
6 lb. eye of round roast
1/2 C. salad oil
1/4 C. lemon juice
1 tsp. salt
1 1/2 tsp. dried rosemary leaves
1 loaf French bread
1/2 C. ketchup
1 bay leaf, crumbled
1/4 tsp. pepper
Cooking Instructions
Day before: Wipe beef with damp paper towels. Place in shallow baking dish. In small bowl, combine oil, ketchup, lemon juice, bay leaf, salt, pepper and rosemary. Pour over beef. Refrigerate, covered, overnight; turn meat at least twice. Next day: Remove beef from refrigerator 1 hour before roasting. Leave in marinade and turn occasionally. Secure roast on spit, balancing evenly. Insert barbecue meat thermometer into thickest part; be sure it doesn’t touch the spit. Adjust spit 5-6 inches from prepared coals. Place foil drip pan under toast to catch drippings. Roast, basting occasionally with marinade, 1 3/4 hours or until meat thermometer registers 150 degrees for medium rare. To serve: Remove meat from spit to carving board. Let stand 10 minutes before carving. Slice thinly. Serve on slices of buttered French bread, with meat juices.
My tears have been my food day and night, While they say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” (Psalms 42:3)